
Posts uit april, 2017 tonen

April 30 : Museo Galileo

Zondag 30 April: Na bezoek aan de Villa Bardini en een mooi wandeling langs de Arno, kom ik aan het Museo Galileo, het voormalige Storia della Scienza, gelegen naast de  Galeria Uffizi

April 30 Villa Bardini & Giardini - Oltr'Arno wandeling

Zondag 30 April : Bezoek aan de Villa Bardini en 2de bezoek aan de tuinen Mijn ochtendwandeling gaat langs de reeds welbekende weg naar de Piazza Sta Felicita (aan de Ponte Vechio) en de Piazza dei Rossi en vandaar de klim op de Costa San Giorgio La Casa di Galileo The exposition held in Villa Bardini (Florence) between July 2016 and July 2017, includes two stories that took place in different times and spaces, but both related to the life and works of Pietro Annigoni.   The first one is linked to the portrait of Stefania von Kories, an extraordinarily fascinating lady painted by Annigonni in Florence between 1958 and 1959. After its long trip across the world, the canvas is back on the hills of Florence, in the museum named after the great painter.    The second story is developed around Palmiro Meacci, a figure yet unknown to the public at large.  Humbly born man, he met Annigoni in 1969 and became his secretary.  He was consequently introduced to the international sce